Not sure how this is possible, but Adriana is already 3 months old! It's blowing my mind how fast this is going... I'm sure I'm going to say this a ton, but, before I know it, she's gonna be ONE! :-(
We got some 3 month portraits done (at the same time of getting holiday pics taken). Below are some of the 3 month pics in a cute midnight blue dress :-D
We got some 3 month portraits done (at the same time of getting holiday pics taken). Below are some of the 3 month pics in a cute midnight blue dress :-D
I just cannot get over how cute she is and how much she is changing!
Also, I took her 3 month star blanket shots yesterday. It's crazy how much bigger she looks on it now! Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, my little whomper!
I love that star blanket - I need to find a cool blanket to take pics with for the next baby. :)