Saturday, April 27, 2013


Well, it's been a lonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng week baby girl. The day before your gender reveal, my precious little Timber boy started breathing funny again, so we had to rush him to the doggy ER... I'm sorry to say that you won't be able to meet him (which makes me horribly sad).. We had to put him down on Thursday. Mommy is devastated. He was mommy's precious doggy of 13 years. :'(
I've been so stressed out lately and now mega sad. This just isn't fair! Why now? Mommy always thought Timber would be able to snuggle with her first born baby. And now he's gone!!
I'll post about your reveal party later.. Mommy needs to cry....

Saturday, April 20, 2013

20 Weeks!! What Are You??

Dear baby girl!! Yup, that's right!! We found out yesterday you are going to be a G-I-R-L!!! Just like mommy thought! I will admit, I did think you were a boy when I first found out I was pregnant. But when I had the 12 week ultrasound, I completely changed my mind after I saw you on the screen. Especially when you crossed your legs at the ankles in my tummy. I was like, oh no, SHE'S being modest. It's a SHE!
Anyway, we had your 20 week ultrasound, and everything looks totally healthy and perfect. You're measuring right on schedule.. and then, the tech asked if we were sure we wanted to know and both daddy and I said YES, most definitely! (We were, afterall, having a gender reveal party 2 days later. hehe)
She said you were a GIRL and I got so teary eyed, cause that was exactly what I wanted to hear. I looked at you on the screen and thought, I'm getting my baby girl. I'm so happy!! I turned and looked back at your daddy and he was smiling.
After the ultrasound, I asked daddy how he felt about you being a girl. He basically said something along the lines of needing more guns and already worrying about you dating and deterring the boys away from you. Daddy is very protective of you already, and you're not even here! HAHA

I asked him if it was still ok if your name is Adriana. (Pronounced A-dree-anne-uh) He said he approves and actually likes it. YAY! Mommy's dream baby girl name is a winner!!! :-)     I want it with one N, cause it looks nicer and is not so long, with your already long last name. I hope people don't pronounce it wrong. We shall see. HAHA

We can't wait to tell everyone you're a girl tomorrow. Sooooo excited!!

Well, until next time my soon to be little princess!!


P.S. Here are the pics of you from the ultrasound!!

Your little feeties.. Or, perhaps not.. They look kinda HUGE! HAHA.. You may take after mommy in that department.. Sorry honey.. LOL

Thursday, April 18, 2013


Ohhhhhhhhhhhh little Baby M. Tomorrow is the big day! When your mommy and daddy find out if you are a little princess or a little stud muffin!!
We have been WAITING soooooo long for this. It's been hard not knowing what to call you. I just want to start planning and be able to call you by name already! :P

Here you are at 12 weeks my sweet baby!
I wonder how much different and bigger you will look tomorrow! I'm beyond excited to see!!

You're so stinkin' cute already, I can't handle it! It will be so awesome to see even more features in the ultrasound tomorrow. And of course, either a pee pee or hoo hoo!!
Well baby A or baby A (lol).. until we see you again tomorrow..........  Much love from you soon to be mommy  :-)

It's About Time I Write About You

So, it's time to post about my big, big news! The news isn't super recent anymore.. as it's all over Facebook. But, my blog is new and it's time to get this out there....

So, little baby in my tummy, I'm writing this to you. Yup, my little cantelope sized ever growing little one. It's a bit crazy to think that in just 20 weeks I will be holding you in my arms. September 4th is the estimated big day! I am still just trying to wrap my head around the fact that I'm pregnant and there is a little being inside of me. LOL

Right now, it feels like you're moving around.. little taps on the inside of my uterus, which I'm assuming are your little feet?? I can't be 100% sure yet, but I bet in the next week or so, I'll know for sure. It feels soooooo weird LOL

All I know is that I'm sooooo excited. Stressed too, but mostly excited for what you are going to bring to my life :)
To my little one: I love you already and cannot wait to meet you!!!


Your soon to be mommy

P.S. How cute were you at 9 weeks, looking like a little peanut?? Hehe

This is also the announcement pic we posted, letting everyone know we were expecting you:
Cute huh??? :-)

Thursday, April 4, 2013

First post of hopefully many!

Hi there! It's me, Theresa Marie Montemayor (formerly Iannone)!

Yup, I'm finally signing onto a blog! Whaaaaaaaaaaaat? It's about time! LOL
Have so much to write about, and it's about damned time I finally do it!
It's a shame they do not have my favorite font though.. Boooooooo :(

Lunch breaks at work are perfect for this! Is anyone out there even listening? ;-)

This is my birthday week! Yup, officially past just being the big 3-0.. Now it doesn't seem so scary to be in my 30's... Last year was a bit rough thinking, O-M-G.. I'm 30? But, onwards we go right? Already a year later.. So much has happened in the past year... That will have be for my next post, since lunchie time is over. Weak!

Until we meet again!

This is TheresaMarie, signing off!